Description of module of Central Enforcement Database

The main benefit of the module in the project of development of electronic services of judiciary - The Information System of Electronic Services of Judiciary is to provide a legal extracts to the public (through internet or at the information centre of court). However, these extracts correspond to all proceedings in Slovakia, not just to those held at the respective Court.

The benefits of module are:

  • overview of enforcement proceedings, held against a natural or legal person
  • an application for correction of erroneous data in the Central Evidence
  • overview of Central Evidence of enforcement proceedings (nonpublic information)

The module is intended for:

  • the authenticated user (general public) who obtainsextracts via Internet
  • the staff of Info Centre who may issue extracts on request
  • the authenticated user (general public) who has access to internal part of Central Evidence

What is necessary to use the services of this module:

  • ID card with a chip and a qualified electronic signature
  • Reader of ID card and installations of software